Digimon ReArise Wiki
Holy Dragon

AeroVeedramon is a Digimon in the mobile game Digimon ReArise.

AeroVeedramon is a Veedramon that Digivolved to a form that soars through the sky. Veedramon are already a rare species, and only the strongest can survive enough battles to Digivolve, so its existence is already a living legend. Along with developing wings, various parts of its body have become more combat effective, bolstering its strength and defense. Together with its aerial capabilities, AeroVeedramon is a nigh-invincibe Digimon. Its special move, V-Wing Blade, charges through the skies towards its enemy, forming a V-shaped energy blade from the top of its horn to the edges of its wings. AeroVeedramon can also fire Dragon Impulse, a shockwave in the form of a dragon. The only downside to V-Wing Blade is that it can only be unleashed in mid-air.

AeroVeedramon's Skill[]

Evolve System - Brave
AeroVeedramon Brave Main Skill Dragon Impulse

350% damage to a single enemy target.

60% chance to inflict Stun on a single enemy target. (2 Turns)

CT: 115 seconds

Sub Skill D-Break Spectrum

260% damage to a single enemy target.

Decrease a single enemy targets' DEF by 40% (2 turns)

CT: 95 seconds

Passive Skill Increase one's own PWR by 40%. (Permanent)

Evolution Lines[]

Personality Rookie Champion Ultimate
Brave Veemon

Veemon Brave


Veedramon Brave


AeroVeedramon Brave